You’ve spent countless hours putting your imagination and creative prowess to work, mapping out your storyline, creating multidimensional characters, and pacing out those jaw-dropping twists. Now there’s one thing left to do before putting your novel out into the world:
here's how i can help
From here on out, I’ll be the deuteragonist to your protagonist, ready to come along for the ride of making your novel perfect enough for print.
When we work together to get your book publication-ready, my #1 goal is to help you feel at ease from beginning to end.
With a commitment to your comfort—and a positive, streamlined copyediting process to match—we’ll fine-tune a fiction story so good your readers will be begging for a sequel before they even finish the first half.
A full-on deep dive into your work to uncover any grammatical or spelling errors, syntax issues, and inaccuracies with the language use (along with a lengthy list of other elements). I revise each of them carefully for a polished read that’ll have your readers giving five-star ratings.
This is your chance to get a second set of (professionally trained) eyes on your work to seek out any errors that may have fallen through the cracks. It’s where I check that all your i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. Literally.
You do the writing, and I’ll do the research—so you can spend more time letting the words flow and less time googling whether there’s actually a Princess Drive in Pasadena—or whatever other facts your storyline calls for!
let's work together
Curious about who I work with and what they write? Visit the Frances House Library to view my portfolio. (Maybe you’ll even uncover a new favourite.)
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